
A healthy dose of all things wellness – from new products and supplements, to people, places and share-worthy finds.

Archive for the tag “genuine health”

My latest greatest and tastiest…

A quick post featuring a few of my current favourite things:

Kewaza Protein balls:
Holy incredibleness is all I can say! Super clean ingredients, amazing (!) intense cocoa and rich peanut butter flavor. Low in calories and natural sugar. These balls are the bomb! Since finding them a few weeks a go, I swear I’ve become a PR agent – telling everyone I know, sharing a pack with those deserving (ha ha). So much, my local Noah’s ran out, but they’ve since re-stocked. Thank you very much!kewaza

Karma Leg Warmers:

My Flashdance look combines comfort with coziness. Yoga with dance. I’m loving these leg warmers made by Karma. More than that, when they arrived by courier, inside was a lucky dollar coin with a note to pay it forward and share good karma, or hold on to it as a gift. “A small token can empower a big change.” So cool! Leg warmers

Hard Candy Fitness:
Probably the best spin studio in the city. Bikes are smooth. Huge amount of space between riders. Plasma screens, killer sound system – including live DJ – on Friday nights. Harder is better, and this gym delivers! Highly recommend a test-ride. #NosweatNocandy Hard Canday

Hot Vanilla-Protein-Milk
My healthy twist on hot chocolate during cold wintery months: Unsweetened almond milk, a scoop of Genuine Health’s proteins+ vanilla with a dash of cinnamon. Blend into a smoothie. Pop into a mug and microwave for about 1.5 minutes. Add a pinch of maple syrup, drink and enjoy. Vanilla hot choc

YYoga Queen West
Stunning new space on Queen St. West. Gorgeous yoga studios, spin room, change rooms and boutique. I could go on and on about this place! Tons of classes and the nicest staff. I took a 30-day pass recently and got my serious sweat-on, thanks to Jock Yoga classes, M-F, 6:45 AM. YYoga

Genuine Health’s Performance Nutrition

From yoga to spinning to marathon training, I’ve relied on Genuine Health’s formulas to power my workouts, boost my performance and recovery.  Simply the best!

Check out this video to learn more – including commentary from my favourite sports nutrition guru, Dr. John Berardi:


GenuineHealth video



Genuine Health’s activfuel+

For years I’ve taken supplements to boost my overall health, workouts and recovery.  The list of what I take daily varies, but it often includes greens+, whey or vegetarian-based protein, fish oil, Vitamin D3, a bone-building formula, joint support, magnesium, a probiotic and melatonin. (Seems like a lot, but it’s not – really!)

And thanks to Genuine Health, I’ve recently added another to my routine, specifically new activfuel+ (with caffeine).

Designed for exercise-enthusiasts like me, its unique formula helps boost my energy, endurance and speed – along with promoting faster and better recovery.

For the past few weeks, I’ve added a half-scoop to my morning smoothie and/or in my water bottle during spin classes.  Right away, I noticed a difference in my energy and endurance, definitely adding more ‘spin’ to my spin, more reps to my intervals.

Containing whey protein (providing essential BCAAs), brown rice, taurine, coconut water and Vitamin B1 among other ingredients, this formula delivers the very best pre- and during- workout nutrition.

Now you’re probably thinking because I’ve run marathons or workout hard I NEED to supplement, and you don’t. Think again!

All of the ingredients in activfuel+ play an important role in proper health – including weight maintenance and energy.  For example, study after study shows the benefits of whey protein to increase lean muscle, immunity and metabolism.

What’s more, you can drink-it-up knowing it contains no suspect ingredients or artificial sweeteners such as fructose or sucralose.  (Sweetened with stevia, its natural black raspberry lemonade flavour provides a really tasty ‘kick’!)

Look for activfuel+ in leading health and grocery stores.

To learn more about its ingredients and benefits, visit:

Morning smoothie

This isn’t a new find, but something I’ve been enjoying for years. It also happens to be fit and healthy, so I figure why not share? 

It’s my daily smoothie.  It’s high in protein, loaded with phytonutrients and antioxidants.

I make it because I absolutely love the taste.  Not only that, I’m convinced it’s why I rarely get sick, can bounce-back from marathons as well as build and maintain lean muscle quite easily.

What goes in: Approximately 1.5 cups of water, greens+bone builder (or greens+multi+), proteins+ (vanilla flavour) Bioflavia, Cell Food, frozen mixed berries and cinnamon.  During marathon training and/or following my long runs, I’ll add more proteins+, glutamine and maybe some banana.

I typically drink 1/2 the smoothie before my morning workouts, then the remaining just after (I keep the second-half in a shaker cup in my fridge). Using a Magic Bullet blender, it takes minutes to make, and very little clean-up.

So there you have it.  A simple and very healthy way to start the day. 

Until next time!

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